Results for 'Olga G. Safonicheva'

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  1.  16
    Philosophical and Methodological Principles of Inclusive Training.Oleg E. Baksanskii & Olga G. Safonicheva - 2015 - European Journal of Philosophical Research 4 (2):56-65.
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  2. The concept of "political globalization" and global challenges.Olga G. Leonova - 2022 - In Alexander N. Chumakov, Alyssa DeBlasio & Ilya V. Ilyin, Philosophical Aspects of Globalization: A Multidisciplinary Inquiry. Boston: BRILL.
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    Experts vs Society.Olga A. Shapiro & Elena G. Shkorubskaya - 2024 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 61 (4):129-145.
    The article is devoted to the problem of the expert knowledge crisis, which consists in a decrease in public trust in scientific experts, the transformation of the role of experts in making socially significant decisions, escapism or neglect on the part of experts in relation to the society. We believe that in order to resolve the existing confrontation between society and experts, it is necessary to compare the positions of both, and then formulate common grounds that can serve for resolving (...)
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    Visuo-Motor Affective Interplay: Bonding Scenes Promote Implicit Motor Pre-dispositions Associated With Social Grooming–A Pilot Study.Olga Grichtchouk, Jose M. Oliveira, Rafaela R. Campagnoli, Camila Franklin, Monica F. Correa, Mirtes G. Pereira, Claudia D. Vargas, Isabel A. David, Gabriela G. L. Souza, Sonia Gleiser, Andreas Keil, Vanessa Rocha-Rego & Eliane Volchan - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Proximity and interpersonal contact are prominent components of social connection. Giving affective touch to others is fundamental for human bonding. This brief report presents preliminary results from a pilot study. It explores if exposure to bonding scenes impacts the activity of specific muscles related to physical interaction. Fingers flexion is a very important component when performing most actions of affectionate contact. We explored the visuo-motor affective interplay by priming participants with bonding scenes and assessing the electromyographic activity of the fingers (...)
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    Consciousness in a multilevel architecture: Evidence from the right side of the brain.Boris M. Velichkovsky, Olga A. Krotkova, Artemy A. Kotov, Vyacheslav A. Orlov, Vitaly M. Verkhlyutov, Vadim L. Ushakov & Maxim G. Sharaev - 2018 - Consciousness and Cognition 64:227-239.
  6.  20
    Effect of Directional Deep Brain Stimulation on Sensory Thresholds in Parkinson’s Disease.Shelby Sabourin, Olga Khazen, Marisa DiMarzio, Michael D. Staudt, Lucian Williams, Michael Gillogly, Jennifer Durphy, Era K. Hanspal, Octavian R. Adam & Julie G. Pilitsis - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  7.  19
    Theology and geometry: essays on John Kennedy Toole's A confederacy of dunces.Leslie Marsh, Anthony G. Cirilla, Olga Colbert, Matt Dawson, Connie Eble, Christopher R. Harris, Jessica Hooten Wilson, H. Vernon Leighton & Kenneth B. McIntyre (eds.) - 2020 - Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
    This collection, the first of its kind, brings together specially commissioned academic essays to mark fifty years since the death of John Kennedy Toole.
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    Emotional Intelligence and Personality Traits Based on Academic Performance.Xin Dong, Olga A. Kalugina, Dinara G. Vasbieva & Arslan Rafi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:894570.
    The purpose of this study was to examine the role of personality traits on academic performance. Furthermore, this study also aims at exploring the effects of virtual experience (mediator) and emotional intelligence (moderator) between personality traits and academic performance of the students. The findings imply that personality traits are the strong predictors of better academic performance. However, several personality traits do not have a positive impact on the academic performance. The study further suggests that students who have emotional abilities and (...)
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    ABBaH: Activity Breaks for Brain Health. A Protocol for a Randomized Crossover Trial.Emerald G. Heiland, Örjan Ekblom, Olga Tarassova, Maria Fernström, Coralie English & Maria M. Ekblom - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  10.  28
    Gray Matter Changes in Adolescents Participating in a Meditation Training.Justin P. Yuan, Colm G. Connolly, Eva Henje, Leo P. Sugrue, Tony T. Yang, Duan Xu & Olga Tymofiyeva - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  11.  7
    Tehnoscience as an Experimental Environment and Experimental Methodology.Olga Stoliarova - 2016 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 48 (2):40-44.
    The paper provides a commentary on B.G. Yudin's paper devoted to the relationship between technoscience and contemporary human enhancement technologies. In order to discuss these issues I address to T. Kuhn's conception of two traditions in the development of modern science. I show that technoscience belongs to the tradition that Kuhn calls the Baconian or ”experimental" sciences in contrast to the ”mathematical" sciences. I argue that technoscience creates an experimental environment for the study of a human being as an integral (...)
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  12.  26
    Meaning-making: a underestimated resource for health? A discussion of the value of meaning-making in the conservation and restoration of health and well-being.Birthe Loa Knizek, Sissel Alsaker, Julia Hagen, Gørill Haugan, Olga Lehmann, Marianne Nilsen, Randi Reidunsdatter & Wigdis Sæther - 2021 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 25 (59):5-18.
    This article discusses the function, development and maintenance of meaning and the importance of meaning-making from different perspectives, as it is based on a collaboration between professionals from health science and psychology. The aim is to discuss how meaning-making processes can be employed in the health context to enhance individuals’ well-being. Starting point is a description of the common basis of the understanding of meaning-making. Afterwards brief examples from the different professional areas will show how meaning-making can improve health care (...)
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  13.  10
    George Uglow Pope as the Pandit, the Philosopher, and the Missionary.Olga Vecherina - forthcoming - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal).
    The article deals with the biography and scientific achievements of one of the founders of Tamil studies, G.U. Pope. His many years of selfless activity in the field of Indian education, the creation of basic textbooks and anthologies of the literary Tamil, which generations of schoolchildren and students studied, and translation of the main texts of ancient and medieval Tamil literature, have earned well-deserved honor and respect from the Tamils, for whom he is a national hero. His identification and study (...)
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    Viaggi di C. Federici e G. Balbi alle indie Orientali.T. Riccardi & Olga Pinto - 1965 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 85 (3):475.
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    La convergencia de rasgos de tradición agustiniana y aristotélico-averroista presentes en la elaboración de la doctrina del tiempo de G. de Ockham.Olga L. Larre - 2000 - Anuario Filosófico 33 (67):607-630.
    Ockham's view of time agrees with that of Aristotle (Phys. 218b 21- 219b 5) and Averroes (com. 98, 132 and 133), for whom time and movement always correspond and define one another. But the difference between Ockham and the above-mentioned philosophers was one of conception. Ockham considers time as nother facet of individual existence. Firstly, this work focuses on the determination of time reality and its definition. Secondly, It analyses the problem of the measurement of time: the circularity of time (...)
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  16.  17
    The Slavic suffix -in/-yn as partition shifter.Olga Kagan - 2024 - Natural Language Semantics 32 (1):35-63.
    This paper investigates lexical mass-to-count and count-to-mass operators in Slavic languages, primarily Russian and Ukrainian, by exploring the distribution and semantic contribution of the suffix -_in_/-_yn_. The focus is on two uses of the suffix: the singulative turns mass nouns like _gorox_ ‘pea’ into count, denoting sets of natural units (e.g., _gorošina_ ‘a pea’), and the massifier applies to count nouns, such as _kon’_ ‘horse’, and turns them into mass (e.g., _konina_ ‘horsemeat’). It is proposed that each use of -_in_/-_yn_ (...)
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  17. G.W. Leibniz: Sign and the Problem of Expression.Dimitri A. Bayuk & Olga B. Fedorova - 2020 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 57 (1):146-165.
    The disciplinary differentiation of sciences attracted Leibniz’s attention for a long period of time. From nowadays prospects it looks very well grounded as soon as in Leibniz’s manuscripts a modern scholar finds clue ideas of any research field which would tempt him to consider Leibniz as one of the founders of this particular discipline. We argue that this is possible only in retrospection and would significantly distort the essence of Leibniz’s epistemology. Our approach implies, in contrary, the investigation of the (...)
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  18.  51
    The clustering of galaxies in the SDSS-III baryon oscillation spectroscopic survey: Baryon acoustic oscillations in the data releases 10 and 11 galaxy samples. [REVIEW]Lauren Anderson, Éric Aubourg, Stephen Bailey, Florian Beutler, Vaishali Bhardwaj, Michael Blanton, Adam S. Bolton, J. Brinkmann, Joel R. Brownstein, Angela Burden, Chia-Hsun Chuang, Antonio J. Cuesta, Kyle S. Dawson, Daniel J. Eisenstein, Stephanie Escoffier, James E. Gunn, Hong Guo, Shirley Ho, Klaus Honscheid, Cullan Howlett, David Kirkby, Robert H. Lupton, Marc Manera, Claudia Maraston, Cameron K. McBride, Olga Mena, Francesco Montesano, Robert C. Nichol, Sebastián E. Nuza, Matthew D. Olmstead, Nikhil Padmanabhan, Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille, John Parejko, Will J. Percival, Patrick Petitjean, Francisco Prada, Adrian M. Price-Whelan, Beth Reid, Natalie A. Roe, Ashley J. Ross, Nicholas P. Ross, Cristiano G. Sabiu, Shun Saito, Lado Samushia, Ariel G. Sánchez, David J. Schlegel, Donald P. Schneider, Claudia G. Scoccola, Hee-Jong Seo, Ramin A. Skibba, Michael A. Strauss, Molly E. C. Swanson, Daniel Thomas, Jeremy L. Tinker, Rita Tojeiro, Mariana Vargas Magaña, Licia Verde & Dav Wake - unknown
    We present a one per cent measurement of the cosmic distance scale from the detections of the baryon acoustic oscillations in the clustering of galaxies from the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey, which is part of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey III. Our results come from the Data Release 11 sample, containing nearly one million galaxies and covering approximately 8500 square degrees and the redshift range 0.2 < z < 0.7. We also compare these results with those from the publicly released (...)
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  19.  25
    Informacyjny aspekt testów genetycznych - przegląd zagadnień.Olga Dryla - 2014 - Diametros 42:29-56.
    The steady growth of the number of DNA tests offered results in the discussion on the ethical aspects of these tests becoming increasingly lively and multifaceted. This text provides an overview of selected issues concerning the characteristics, protection and quality of the information acquired as a result of carrying out DNA tests. I discuss the salient points in the debates on the possibility to justify the so-called genetic exceptionalism, and the ways of specifying the scope of the principle of confidentiality (...)
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  20.  57
    Space and Time in the Child’s Mind: Evidence for a Cross-Dimensional Asymmetry.Daniel Casasanto, Olga Fotakopoulou & Lera Boroditsky - 2010 - Cognitive Science 34 (3):387-405.
    What is the relationship between space and time in the human mind? Studies in adults show an asymmetric relationship between mental representations of these basic dimensions of experience: Representations of time depend on space more than representations of space depend on time. Here we investigated the relationship between space and time in the developing mind. Native Greek‐speaking children watched movies of two animals traveling along parallel paths for different distances or durations and judged the spatial and temporal aspects of these (...)
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  21.  18
    Florilegium Medievale. Études offertes à Jacqueline Hamesse.José Meirinhos & Olga Weijers (eds.) - 2009 - Turnhout - Porto: Brepols.
    En décembre 2007, Jacqueline Hamesse a fêté son 65ème anniversaire, puis a accédé à l’éméritat en 2008. Nombreux sont les collègues et amis qui ont souhaité marquer ces dates en rendant hommage à son dévouement aux études médiévales, que ce soit dans l’enseignement et la recherche ou pour la création et le développement d’institutions internationales dans ce domaine, sans oublier les efforts déployés pour l’édition de nombreux ouvrages collectifs et l’organisation de diverses rencontres scientifiques. Nous avons donc décidé de lui (...)
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  22.  66
    Euphranor Olga Palagia: Euphranor. (Monumenta Graeca et Romana, 3.) Pp. x + 86; 70 plates. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1980. Paper, 72 guilders. [REVIEW]G. B. Waywell - 1981 - The Classical Review 31 (02):261-264.
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  23.  25
    Offensive language in media discussion forums: A pragmatic analysis.Renata Povolná & Olga Dontcheva Navratilova - 2023 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 19 (2):223-238.
    This study intends to contribute to the delimitation of selected offensive language categories based on an analysis of a corpus of contributions to discussion forums in Czech online national newspapers and news platforms called Czech Corpus of Offensive Language (CCOL). It endeavours to study three problematic areas (1) delimitation between the speech acts performed, (ii) lexical realisation of specific properties of the target and (iii) identification and categorisation of implicit offence (e.g. figurative semantic shifts) by exploring contextual cues for the (...)
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  24.  14
    Comida y Sus Dimensiones Culturales.Ángela Otálvaro, Olga Vásquez & Diana Marcela Murcia - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (7):1-13.
    Introducción: La relación entre la comida y cultura es bastante amplia, por ello, se expone la agenda de investigación en torno al tema, a través de la revisión de artículos indexados publicados entre el 2016 y el 2022. Objetivo: sintetizar la producción académica de los últimos años teniendo en cuenta los temas claves, los países de producción y las corrientes teórico-metodológicas utilizadas en los diseños de investigación. Metodología: Revisión documental integrativa. Conclusiones: La literatura encontrada se presenta a través de seis (...)
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  25.  33
    An Application of Logic to Combinatorial Geometry: How Many Tetrahedra are Equidecomposable with a Cube?Vladik Kreinovich & Olga Kosheleva - 1994 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 40 (1):31-34.
    The main result of this paper were announced in Kosheleva — Kreinovich [7, 8]; for other algorithmic aspects of Hilbert's Third Problem see Kosheleva [6]. The authors are greatly thankful to Alexandr D. Alexandrov , Vladimir G. Boltianskii and Patrick Suppes for valuable discussions, and to the anonymous referee for important suggestions. This work was partially supported by an NSF grant No. CDA-9015006.
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  26.  62
    The Controversy Over Pediatric Bariatric Surgery: An Explorative Study on Attitudes and Normative Beliefs of Specialists, Parents, and Adolescents With Obesity.Stefan M. van Geelen, Ineke L. E. Bolt, Olga H. van der Baan-Slootweg & Marieke J. H. van Summeren - 2013 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 10 (2):227-237.
    Despite the reported limited success of conventional treatments and growing evidence of the effectiveness of adult bariatric surgery, weight loss operations for (morbidly) obese children and adolescents are still considered to be controversial by health care professionals and lay people alike. This paper describes an explorative, qualitative study involving obesity specialists, morbidly obese adolescents, and parents and identifies attitudes and normative beliefs regarding pediatric bariatric surgery. Views on the etiology of obesity—whether it should be considered primarily a medical condition or (...)
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  27.  16
    Bilinguals’ Sensitivity to Grammatical Gender Cues in Russian: The Role of Cumulative Input, Proficiency, and Dominance.Natalia Mitrofanova, Yulia Rodina, Olga Urek & Marit Westergaard - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    This paper reports on an experimental study investigating the acquisition of grammatical gender in Russian by heritage speakers living in Norway. The participants are 54 Norwegian-Russian bilingual children (4;0-10;2) as well as 107 Russian monolingual controls (3;0-7;0). Previous research has shown that grammatical gender is problematic for bilingual speakers, especially in cases where gender assignment is opaque (Schwartz et al., 2015; Polinsky, 2008; Rodina and Westergaard, 2017). Furthermore, factors such as proficiency and family type (one or two Russian-speaking parents) have (...)
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  28.  28
    Forgiveness & Reconciliation: Public Policy & Conflict Transformation.Raymond G. Helmick & Rodney Petersen (eds.) - 2001 - Templeton Press.
    This book brings together a unique combination of experts in the area of conflict resolution and focuses on the role forgiveness can play in the process. It deals with the theology, public policy, psychological and social theory, and social policy implementation of forgiveness. The first section of the book explores how ideas like "forgiveness" and "reconciliation" are moving out from the seminary and academy into the world of public policy, and how these terms have been used and defined in the (...)
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  29. G.G. Shpet, comprehensio: vtorye Shpetovskie chtenii︠a︡: tvorcheskoe nasledie G.G. Shpeta i sovremennye filosofskie problemy: materialy mezhdunarodnoĭ nauchnoĭ konferent︠s︡ii 14-17 noi︠a︡bri︠a︡ 1996 goda, Tomsk.O. G. Mazaeva (ed.) - 1997 - Tomsk: Izd-vo "Vodoleĭ".
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  30.  39
    Zur rekonstruktion des Bohrschen forschungsprogramms I.G. Zoubek & B. Lauth - 1992 - Erkenntnis 37 (2):223 - 247.
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  31.  18
    The Chemical Promise: Experiment and Mysticism in the Chemical Philosophy, 1550-1800: Selected Essays of Allen G. Debus.Allen G. Debus - 2006 - Science History Publications.
    There are some who would question the need to republish papers that have already appeared elsewhere. Walter Pauel once said that scholars should think in terms of books rather than research papers since the latter become lost in the literature. When he told me this year ago I was not entirely convinced. Surely the young scholar must publish papers to secure his academic position. In addition, throughout his career he attends conferences many of which will require the publication of his (...)
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  32. Hugel, Friedrich, Von and his reading of Newman, John, Henry.G. Zorzi - 1985 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 14 (1):75-88.
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  33.  15
    O pensamento jurídico entre Europa e América: estudos em homenagem ao Professor Mario G. Losano.Mario G. Losano & Fredys Orlando Sorto (eds.) - 2018 - Porto Alegre: Sergio Antonio Fabris Editor.
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  34.  7
    Perspektivy prakticheskoĭ filosofii na rubezhe tysi︠a︡cheletiĭ: materialy teoreticheskogo seminara, 9 marta 1999 g.V. G. Marakhov & I︠U︡. N. Solonin (eds.) - 1999 - Sankt-Peterburg: Peterburgskiĭ gos. universitet.
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  35.  21
    El problema de la “Theory Ladnenness” de los juicios singulares en la epistemología contemporánea.G. Zanotti - 1996 - Acta Philosophica 5 (2):339-352.
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  36.  9
    The Role of Communication in Ethnic–Political Conflicts.G. Zendelovski - 2017 - Годишен зборник на Филозофскиот факултет/The Annual of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje 70:305-322.
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  37.  9
    Opravdanie cheloveka (khomodit︠s︡ei︠a︡).G. I︠U︡ Zherebilov - 1995 - Lipet︠s︡k: Lipet︠s︡kai︠a︡ obl. organizat︠s︡ii︠a︡ Soi︠u︡za pisateleĭ Rossii.
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  38.  21
    Representation and Processing of Domain Knowledge for Simulation-Based Training in Complex Dynamic Systems.G. T. Georgiev & I. I. Zheliazkova - 2000 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 10 (3):255-278.
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  39.  16
    Über das Wesen der Naturgesetze.G. C. Zimmer - 1893 - De Gruyter.
    Keine ausführliche Beschreibung für "Über das Wesen der Naturgesetze" verfügbar.
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    Don Miguel de Unamuno, lector del P. Faber.Armando Zubizarreta G. - 1960 - Salmanticensis 7 (3):667-701.
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    Menander fr. 416 Körte = 481 Kock.G. Zuntz - 1959 - The Classical Review 9 (02):108-.
  42.  16
    A counterargument, nevertheless.G. E. Zuriff - 1988 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 11 (1):166-167.
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  43. Attention and will.G. D. Marshall - 1970 - Philosophical Quarterly 20 (January):14-25.
  44.  36
    God in early Christian thought: essays in memory of Lloyd G. Patterson.L. G. Patterson, Andrew Brian McGowan, Brian E. Daley & Timothy J. Gaden (eds.) - 2009 - Boston: Brill.
    These essays use particular issues, thinkers and texts to engage the question of God in early Christianity.
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  45.  23
    Acculturating Adolescents: Micro-Integration and Social Support.G. Pink - 2005 - Global Bioethics 18 (1):181-187.
    As has been often descried, the well-being and integration of refugees, asylum seekers and immigrants mutually influence each other. Therefore, OMEGA Health Care Center is carrying through programs which at the same time further integration on the level of individuals and help prevent or address psychological, social and medical problems. Women and minors are the main target groups of these programs. Aside form giving adolescents concrete support—e.g. in their schoolwork—most of our youth programs focus on active work toward integration. This (...)
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  46.  15
    Experimenting the human: art, music, and the contemporary posthuman.G. Douglas Barrett - 2023 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    An engaging argument about what experimental music can tell us about being human. -/- In Experimenting the Human, G Douglas Barrett argues that experimental music speaks to the contemporary posthuman, a condition in which science and technology decenter human agency amid the uneven temporality of postwar global capitalism. Time moves forward for some during this period, while it seems to stand still or even move backward for others. Some say we’re already posthuman, while others endure the extended consequences of never (...)
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  47. Perspektivy filosofické a hlubinné hermeneutiky (h.-g. Gadamer, cg Jung, J. derrida).C. G. Gadamer - 2005 - Filozofia 60 (8):596.
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  48.  26
    Economics as anatomy: radical innovation in empirical economics.G. M. P. Swann - 2019 - Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing.
    There are two fundamentally different approaches to innovation: incremental and radical. In Economics as Anatomy, G.M. Peter Swann argues that economics as a discipline needs both perspectives in order to create the maximum beneficial effect for the economy. Chapters explore how and why mainstream economics is very good at incremental innovation but seems uncomfortable with radical innovation. Swann argues that economics should follow the example of many other disciplines, transitioning from one field to a range of semi-autonomous sub-disciplines. In this (...)
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  49.  12
    Vanities of the Eye: Vision in Early Modern European Culture (review).I. I. Dallas G. Denery - 2010 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 48 (1):103-104.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Vanities of the Eye: Vision in Early Modern European CultureDallas G. Denery IIStuart Clark. Vanities of the Eye: Vision in Early Modern European Culture. Oxford-New York: Oxford University Press, 2007. Pp. xi + 415. Cloth, $75.00.A popular and pervasive historical narrative links the Renaissance development of linear perspective with Europe’s transition from a pre-modern to an early modern society. Erwin Panofsky gave this narrative its definitive form early (...)
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  50.  10
    Неопатристика як сучасна парадигма розвитку православної теології.G. Hrystokin - 2007 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 43:61-69.
    Contemporary religious studies contains many studies of Orthodox theology of the twentieth century, but there are almost no studies of the most prominent modern trend in Orthodox theology, neo-patristics. In particular, in the works of L. Voronkova, G. Gabinsky, M. Gordienko, Y. Kalinin, P. Kurochkin, I. Mozgovy, V. Molokov, M. Novikov, N. Petelinskaya, V. Chertikhin, A. Chertkov, a thorough analysis of tendencies was carried out Modernism of Orthodox theology of the Russian Church. Of these, only M. Novikov briefly criticizes the (...)
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